The Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America

The Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America

The Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America


Donate today to support the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America!

Izaak Walton League – A Century of Conservation Leadership

About the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America
Founded in 1922, the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League is one of the four oldest chapters still active in the nation. We’re part of one of America’s oldest and most respected conservation organizations. With a powerful grassroots network of more than 250 local chapters nationwide, the League takes a common-sense approach toward protecting our country’s natural heritage and improving outdoor recreation opportunities for all Americans. We invite you to learn about our work and to join us in supporting important conservation initiatives in your community.

Help us protect America’s outdoors. Join Online to Become a Member of the Des Moines Chapter of the League or Renew Your Membership!

Des Moines Chapter House
4343 George Flagg Parkway
Des Moines, Iowa, 50321
(515) 244-3773


You’ll receive or chapter newsletter with news, stories, and events; Plus chapter updates as they happen!

Donations Needed for the 2025 Wild Game Feed February 25!
Game, Fish and Auction donations needed! Contact Mark Pranger at [email protected] or call 515-710-6033.

Meetings are held every Tuesday beginning at 6 p.m. Dinner is served until 6:30 p.m., with programs starting at 6:45 p.m. There are lots of great programs and delicious meals coming up on Tuesdays at the Chapter House! Check out our Menus and Programs page to find out more! Note: Beginning January 2025 we will have only one main menu item on members nights, rather than offering alternatives. This is to save on costs and food waste, and to allow us to again offer desserts. Thank you for your understanding!

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Todd Gosselink will host a town hall-style meeting Tuesday, February 18, 6:45 pm at The Des Moines Izaak Walton League, 4343 George Flagg Pkwy (Geo. Flagg & Park), Des Moines, 50321. Local IDNR staff will provide updates on recently completed hunting and trapping seasons, discuss possible changes to hunting and trapping rules and regulations, and address other topics as requested. The meetings are open to the public. Comments collected from these public meetings will be considered along with other related comments received by the Iowa DNR prior to proposing changes to hunting rules and regulations. Proposed rules will be presented to the Natural Resource Commission during a regular public meeting for consideration and additional public comment. Admission to the meeting is FREE, with doors opening at 5:30 and dinner at 6 available for purchase.

Join us for the 5th Annual Battle of the Bags! A Fundraiser for Prevent Child Abuse Iowa! Saturday, February 22, 11am-3pm at The Des Moines Izaak Walton League, 4343 George Flagg Pkwy (intersection of Geo. Flagg & Park), Des Moines 50321. Grab a good friend, eat great food, and toss bags to compete for bragging rights, prizes ―and kids in Iowa! Teams of two will battle in a Bags Tournament while supporting Prevent Child Abuse Iowa’s mission of providing safe and happy childhoods for Iowa’s kids. Not into Cornhole? Our annual event also includes a silent auction! Watch for details on our online silent auction soon. Registration is open now! Team Registration is $100 for 2 person teams, CLICK Here for your tickets!

Join the Des Moines Izaak Walton League for our Fourth Annual Wild Game Feed Tuesday, February 25, featuring Samples of Bison, Venison, Elk, Pheasant, Walleye, Rabbit, Crappie & Wild Turkey (Thanks to The Iowa Crappie League for their donation!), Frog Legs and more! We’ll also have sides provided by the Des Moines Ikes including Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans and Apple Crumble! Admission is a suggested Donation of $20 for Adults, and $10 for Kids 10-. Doors open at 5 pm, and the Feed begins at 6. Your Donations will help the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America fulfill our Pledge as Defenders of Soil, Air, Woods, Waters and Wildlife! Yes, game and raffle prize donations are still needed! Donors will be responsible for food preparation. Contact Mark Pranger if you’d like to share your harvest at [email protected] or 515-710-6033. Thanks to our wild game donors and cooking crews! Join us as we celebrate nature’s bounty with some seriously good eats!

Join Ray Harden, Tuesday, March 4th at 6:45 pm at The Des Moines Izaak Walton League as he shares his beautiful photography and insights on Woodpeckers in Iowa! 4343 George Flagg Parkway (George Flagg & Park), Des Moines 50321. From the diminutive Downy to Iowa’s Largest, the Piliated Woodpecker, there’s a lot to learn about these wonderful creatures and where you can see them! Ray taught science for 38 years, was Elected by the citizens of Dallas County four times to serve as a Soil and Water Conservation Commissioner and served on the Executive Board of the Raccoon River Watershed Association for eight years. He is a member of the Sierra Club serving several years on the executive board, and is also a member of the Des Moines Audubon Society, and Iowa Natural Heritage Association. Ray’s talk is FREE and Open to the Public, with doors opening at 5:30 and dinner at 6 available for purchase.

Join us Saturday, March 8, 2025 for the Des Moines Izaak Walton League Hunting/Outdoor Swap Meet! Featuring all kinds of Outdoor Gear and More, including Boating Equipment! It’s a great opportunity to re-home your extra gear, or pick up something different and interesting! 9am to 4pm at the Des Moines Ikes clubhouse, 4343 Geo. Flagg Pkwy (Geo. Flagg & Park), Des Moines 50321. Set up at 7:00 am. We’ll have breakfast from 9-11 am and lunch too! Open to the Public, with FREE Admission and Parking! Anyone can rent 1 to 2 spots: Contact Tawnya McCourtney at [email protected]. The rental fee is a donation to the Des Moines Izaak Walton League and you can pay at the show. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SELLERS!

Bring a crockpot of your best bowl of red and compete for prizes and bragging rights Tuesday, March 11 at The Des Moines Izaak Walton League! 4343 George Flagg Pkwy (George Flagg and Park), Des Moines 50321. Set up is at 5 pm, and competition and sampling begins at 6, followed by awarding of prizes. Any kind of chili qualifies: All meat, game meat, with beans, fish, fowl, veggies, hot or tame! $10 to enjoy unlimited samples! No Entry Fee and Competitors Eat Free! The competition is Open to the Public. Bring your best, and let’s see, and taste, what you’ve got! For more information contact Tawnya McCourtney at [email protected].

Upcoming Events

  • Bassmasters Swap Meet! Saturday February 22 and Sunday the 23rd. Booth Volunteers needed!
  • March 18, 2025: Farmer’s Appreciation Night! Join us as we celebrate National Ag Day with the Des Moines Ikes annual dinner for our friends in Agriculture! Each member can bring up to two guests in Ag., who will then be treated to a FREE  Dinner with all the trimmings!
  • March 25, 2025: Polk Co. Conservation’s Devon Boes on the Athene Northshore Rec. Area at Easter Lake. The park offers standard and adaptive equipment, accessible facilities, and inclusive activities for all ages and abilities so everyone feels safe and free to explore the outdoors.
  • Saturday, March 29, 2025: Hunter Education Classroom Course, from 8 am to 4pm. Space is limited to the First 20 students. Students must 11 and over, and lunch will be provided. Enroll at the Iowa DNR Hunter Education site.
  • April 9-13: Trout Fishing in Branson. Contact Rich Galloway for details.
  • April 15, 2025: Kim Bogenschutz of IDNR on Aquatic Invasives in Iowa.
  • April 29, 2025: Tim Wagner of Iowa’s Coldwater Conservancy. 

General Manager

Officers 2024/2025
President: Doug Pooch
1st VP: Curtis Cokeley
2nd VP: Bud Hartley
Secretary: Mark Pranger
Treasurer: Richard “Bo” Galloway
Honorary President: Joe Gavin

Directors 2024/2025
Michael Delaney
Bob Jackson
Charles Meade
Kerry Petersen
Dave Wright

Contact Us

4343 George Flagg Parkway, Des Moines, Iowa 50321   ·   Phone 515-244-3773   ·   Email [email protected]